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Pregnant belly


The pregnant body undergoes great changes hormonally and physically in the creation of life. 

The body has to make room to accommodate the growing baby, and with that comes the musculoskeletal pain.


Physical Therapy can be a tool to support you in your journey as you prepare for your baby!


Physical Therapy can assist in management of your pain, improving postural endurance, core stabilization, improving spine mobility and alignment and addressing patient education.

Exercising with Baby

Post Partum Care:
Baby and Me

Childbirth is a beautiful and exhausting experience! The body undergoes so much change physically and hormonally over the entire pregnancy and continues onwards after the arrival of your bundle of joy. Physical Therapy can be a tool for you to help in your recovery and be a part of the support system you can rely on while you navigate taking care of a newborn.


Let us take some stress out of your day and come to you so that you can focus on yourself and your new baby!


Post Partum Physical Therapy can address changes in joint and spinal mobility, deficits in core and pelvic floor stability and strength, diastasis recti (DR), c-section scars, low back pain and sciatica.

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